Title 1 program
Title I Overview: Supporting Student Success
What is title 1?
Title I is the largest federal aid fund for our nation’s schools. The Title I program promotes a high-quality responsive education for every child and ensures that schools are able to provide extra support to students who need it most. Imagine Columbus Primary Academy is a school-wide Title Program. All students qualify to receive additional support.
Imagine Columbus Primary Academy receives federal money for Title IA, Title SSI, Title IIA, Title III, Title IVA and IDEA-B and IDEA Early Childhood and Expanding Opportunities for Each Child.
We are holding a public meeting to receive feedback on the use of the federal funds including the IDEA funds. The meeting will be held Monday, March 11 at 8 AM at 4656 Heaton Rd, Columbus Ohio.
Information is available on the website https://www.imaginecolumbusprimaryacademy.org/ Feedback can be sent to karen.shepherd@imagineschools.org

Title 1 Mission & Vision
At Imagine Columbus Primary Academy, our mission is to increase student achievement outcomes and ensure growth for every child. Our teachers and Title 1 team use student data and research-based programs to develop individualized learning plans for at-promise students. We monitor student progress and adapt our approach as needed. Our team partners with families to share progress, resources, and information throughout the year. We invite parents to join us in celebrating the growth our Imagine scholars accomplish year after year.
Eligibility and Support: Grades K-7
Schools use performance data, such as screeners, state assessments, and teacher input to determine which students qualify for Title 1 services. Students receiving Title 1 supports will receive small group instruction both in the classroom and in Title 1 learning spaces. Small group instruction will be designed to engage students in developing foundational skills needed to meet grade-level goals.

Mrs. Lauren Turner
Title I Coordinator
Title 1 Team
At Imagine Columbus Primary Academy, we believe all parents have the right to know and understand their child’s learning goals and progress. Title 1 educators will provide workshops, information, and resources throughout the year.
In addition, you can reach our Title 1 coordinator, Mrs. Lauren Turner, by e-mail at lauren.turner@imgcpa.com.